Thursday, January 21, 2010


Last night, Jordan sent me a list of the companies that he has applied, inside there is relative information. I have to thank to him! Oh, also, he sent an electronic instroction of asset management practicum individual project to me. That helps a lot! But I don't know when I will have enough time to redo that project.

Today, I created an account on PWC. The sad thing is... I don't know how to find opening job in the website! So I did not apply. Then I applied for some jobs on GE, which is one of the companies Jordan applied. I know it is a big company, and the chance is tiny. But it never hurt to try!

At the same time, I applied for a part-time job at Locus Capital Partners. The position is day trading~ I think I will go there even it is unpaid. I just want to learn doing trading! There is another company asking for trading part-time, and it offers training online on Jan 26th. Let's see if I can learn anything there.

Oh, ps: I have created an excel file to mark information of position I applied for! I like things organized! ^ ^

Best Luck

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