Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I went to downtown Manhattan to meet up with Kevin Zhang, a financial engineering alumni from CGU. He's pretty nice and funny guy. We had a good time. He's working as a temp in a small consulting company, earning $25/hour. The company wouldn't offer H-1 visa, so Kevin doesn't have much time left. He told me he came to NY last September and couldn't find any job until this July. Geez... it was a long time!!! Sean is doing in Bloomberg as a temp. It seems that temp is a good way to go. Kevin actually got couple interviews from big companies, such as JPMorgan, Citi, HSBC...but he couldn't get into final round. I guess the lack of work experience and communication skill is crucial. Damn, it seems to be so hard. I dont know... Anyway, I will keep trying until I don't see hope any more.
I got a call today when I was in downtown Manhattan. It was such a mistake!!! The call was from a company!!! It was so noisy that I could hardly understand what she said! It was a horrible experience! It teaches me that never pick up unknown phone when you are not prepared!

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